Free GLS delivery for purchases over HUF 20.000 to the entire territory of Hungary!

Do you have any questions? Contact us! +36 70/602-8300


Company name / Name:
Vrec-Co Kft.
Kossuth Lajos u.12, Szatymaz, 6763, Hungary
Phone number:
Shop name:
Vrec-Co Team
Tax number:
EU VAT number:
Company registration number:
Company court:
Szegedi Törvényszék Cégbírósága, Hungary, Szeged
Bank account number:
Contact person name:
Gábor Vidács
Contact person´s phone number:
+36 70/602-8300
Contact person´s e-mail address:
  • Personal pick up at our shop in city of Szatymaz
    You can pick up your goods personally at our spare part shop.

    At our headquarter, monday to friday at 8.00-12.00; 13.00-16.00 :
    Vrec-Co Kft.
    6763 Szatymaz, Kossut Lajos u. 12 Hungary
    Shipping cost: 0
  • With unique quotation
    If your package weight left our weight border, we will give you a unique quotation about shipping.
    After your order, in a short time our colleague will make contact with you (on workdays).
    Egyedi árajánlat a megrendelés szállítására
  • Payment for Credit Card (EUR)
    A convenient and secure credit card payment method through SimplePay.
    Accepted Card Types:
    - MasterCard
    - Master
    - VISA
    - VISA Electron
    - American Express

    For courier delivery, only for EUR currency.

    When delivering the package, no payment may be claimed by the delivery person.
    simplepay_hu To customer information CLICK HERE
  • PayPal
    Important! There is a 5% separate handling fee for this special payment method. Please take this into consideration in choosing.

    In the case of this payment method, we will redirect the customer to the PayPal system. There you can use your credit card or existing PayPal account to settle the payment. Your credit card details must enter in PayPal system. The merchant does not have access to or store your credit card details.
    Accepted credit cards: Visa (also some Electron cards), EC / MC embossed cards.

  • Cash payment in our headquarter
    Currency: HUF

    Personal pick up at our shop in city of Szatymaz.
    You can pick up your goods personally at our spare part shop.

    If the shipping address is not in Hungary and currency is HUF, only personal pick up available.

    Change the currency to EUR and becomes available other payments and DPD delivery.
Contact Us
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